The president of KF Economics, dr. Giuseppe Renato Grasso, will hold a seminar during the RISE meeting on the subject of the robustness of the Supply Chain

The conference deals with the importance of defining, measuring and controlling the risk associated with your supply network.

SWITCH is presented, an innovative tool born from RISE’s research, which allows an immediate assessment of the health of the supply network.

The conference is aimed at company management, front-line managers and those who work in the area of purchasing, procurement and procurement.

16:00 – 18:30

University College “Luigi Lucchini”

Interruzione supply chain: principale rischio per le aziende

Secondo il rapporto Allianz Risk Barometer 2016, l’interruzione delle attività e della supply chain (BI) rimane per il quarto anno consecutivo il rischio principale per le aziende a livello mondiale (38%). Tuttavia, molte aziende sono preoccupate che le perdite dovute a BI, che solitamente derivano da danni materiali, siano sempre più provocate da attacchi informatici, guasti tecnici o instabilità geopolitica, ovvero da danni immateriali.

In effetti le perdite per BI nelle aziende stanno aumentando e rappresentano, rispetto al decennio scorso, una percentuale maggiore delle perdite complessive, e spesso superano ampiamente le perdite materiali dirette, come mostra l’analisi AGCS sugli indennizzi assicurativi. Le cause principali di interruzione delle attività temute dalle aziende sono le catastrofi naturali (51%), seguite dagli incendi/esplosioni (46%). Tuttavia, secondo i dati del sondaggio, le aziende multinazionali si preoccupano sempre più dell’impatto negativo dell’instabilità geopolitica, poiché guerre o sommosse possono influire sulle loro supply chain, mentre i dipendenti o i beni possono essere oggetto di atti terroristici.

Per la prima volta, fra i primi tre rischi aziendali, rientrano in seconda posizione “l’Evoluzione del mercato” (34%) e in terza gli “Incidenti informatici” (28%). Questi ultimi sono anche indicati come il più alto rischio per le aziende nei prossimi dieci anni. Le catastrofi naturali, invece, perdono due posizioni rispetto alla scorsa rilevazione, classificandosi al quarto posto. Questo riflette il fatto che nel 2015 le perdite dovute a disastri naturali hanno raggiunto il loro livello minimo dal 2009.

fonte: Logistica Management
About Allianz Risk Barometer

K Finance’s annual research on the attractiveness of Italian sectors, in collaboration with the Italian stock exchange, published today in “Il Sole 24 Ore”

The financial attractiveness thermometer rewards tourism and the leisure supply chain. The pharmaceutical sector and the media sector follow on an equal footing.
The financial attractiveness thermometer rewards tourism and the leisure supply chain. The pharmaceutical sector and the media sector follow on an equal footing. The real surprise, however, is the car, which earns the bronze medal.

Research K Finance Sole 24 Ore

Italian Security Leaders 2012, Top 25

Italian Security Leaders, Top 25: a survey by a & s Italy and KF Economics previewed at SICUREZZA

MONZA / REGGIO EMILIA – The a & s Italy magazine, leader in technical publishing for the security sector, in collaboration with KF Economics of the K Finance Group, an important Italian company that carries out financial market analyzes, M&A and credit management, have drawn up the first “Top 25” of the protagonists of the Italian security market.
The survey shows, for the first time from a journalistic point of view, a picture of the performance of the players who dominate the Italian security market, providing particularly important indices to frame the state of health and trends that govern the sector.

Although it is characterized by important performances and an interesting resilience to the crisis, the Italian security sector has never been the subject of particular attention by the main market analysts.

The magazine a & s Italy, the undisputed leader in the technical press of the sector, has so far made up for this gap through the publication of surveys and reports, but this year it has chosen to make a qualitative leap. In the wake of a consolidated tradition in group publishing policy with the annual publication of the Security Top 50, dedicated to global leaders, a & s Italy has decided to draw up its own “Hit” of the players who dominate the Italian security market.

A complex and delicate job, which required reading the sector in partnership with an accredited company in the field of financial market analysis, M&A and credit management: “For this we relied on KF Economics (K Finance Group), a partner of absolute authority with which we share values, vision and strategies ”- declares Andrea Sandrolini, CEO of Ethos Media Group – publisher of a & s Italy.

The result of this partnership is a penetrating analysis of the reference market, full of ideas and reflections. It is called Italian Security Leaders, Top 25 and examines the financial results of the companies in the operational macro-areas that make up the Italian security supply chain (producers, distributors and system integrators), without neglecting the peculiarities of the sector, such as the mixture of producers / distributors or the presence of multinationals where security is only a business unit.

The first objective of the survey: to give a perimeter to the Italian security industry by skimming everything that goes beyond security or serves as a mere technological or commercial offer. A high-risk job, but which for the first time aims to measure the performance and profitability of a sector that is difficult to classify, with the aim of evaluating costs and revenues, employment stability, ratings, trends and consolidations.


The awareness of the peculiarities of the Italian security market compared to other supply chain systems – Italian and foreign – required delicate field choices and a heavy assumption of responsibility on the part of the analyst: “Working with a magazine of the caliber of a & s Italy it has allowed us to move with confidence within an extremely dynamic and constantly evolving sector, and also for this reason of particular analytical-computational complexity ”- declares Paolo Lasagni, CEO of KF Economics.

The result was a survey that shows, for the first time in a journalistic key, a picture of the performance of the leaders who dominate the Italian security market, providing particularly important indices to frame the state of health and the trends that govern the sector.

Discover it in preview at the SICUREZZA fair on November 7, 2012 at 2.30 pm (IP Security room, Pad. 1 – N21-P28): you could also be among the Top!

Download the full report here.